Fertilize in spring before the leaves emerge. If pruning is necessary, prune during the dormant season and avoid pruning in spring when the sap is running.
Best leaf color in partial shade, although full sun can be tolerated. Mulch helps retain soil moisture and keep roots cool. A full sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in moist, organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soils.Recipient of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society for its outstanding qualities.In the fall, the leaves turn vibrant orange and fiery red before falling. As the season progresses, they become green-red with the main veins holding their red shade. Emerging brilliant red in spring, the three or five-pointed, lobed leaves fade to pinkish-red with green undertones in summer. It will grow to about six feet tall over its first ten years, but when fully mature it can reach past ten feet (although it’s rare for it to exceed twelve). Cultivar name is in reference to the foliage which cascades downward like a waterfall.Award-winning Acer palmatum 'Beni Maiko' is a compact deciduous shrub with striking foliage. Waterfall is a typical, but fairly small, Japanese Maple. dissectum (Dissectum Viride Group) except the leaves of 'Waterfall' are slightly longer and its fall color includes more reds and yellows. Some Japanese maples will stay very small but many are just very slow growing meaning they stay small for a very long time.) Shaina Japanese Maple, Waterfall Japanese Maple, and Red Select Japanese Maple are good examples. Japanese Maples Varieties California SummerWinds Nursery Japanese Maple Trees come in a variety of styles, sizes and color to fit your gardening needs Check out the varieties that thrive in the South Bay area of CA. 'Waterfall' is very similar in appearance to A. Heights vary from dwarf shrubs to small shade trees 20 to 25 feet tall. It should be planted in an area that receives 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight a day.

In order to keep it healthy, this type of Japanese maple needs plenty of sun. Leaves are dark green, and retain good color throughout the growing season before turning golden in fall with showy streaks of orange and red. Watch on The Waterfall Japanese maple is a beautiful, cascading tree with delicate leaves. Each lace-like palmate leaf has 7-9 deeply dissected lobes, with each lobe cut to the leaf base. 'Waterfall' is a weeping cultivar with cascading branches that grows to 6' tall over the first 10 years, eventually maturing over time to as much as 10' tall. Each leaf has several lobes (typically 5–7) that all originate from one point looking like an open hand with outstretched fingers. Specific epithet is in reference to the palmate nature of the leaves. Genus name is the Latin name for a maple tree. Dissectum means deeply cut in reference to the deeply cut, feathery nature of the leaves. Japanese maples are the most desirable garden trees that exist. These dissected-leaf shrubs are commonly called laceleaf Japanese maple, cutleaf Japanese maple or threadleaf Japanese maple. Palmate leaves, each having 7-11 deeply incised lobes, are deeply cut to the base of the leaf. dissectum is typically a much smaller, rounded, slow-growing shrubby form (often with cascading branching) that rarely matures to more than 12' tall with a larger spread. Fall color includes an often spectacular combination of shades of yellow, red, purple and bronze. Waterfall is a beautiful green lace leaf Japanese Maple with a mounding form and graceful cascading branches. Small reddish-purple flowers in umbels bloom in spring (April) followed by winged samaras in pairs which ripen in September-October. Each palmate green leaf (2-5" long) has 5 to 7 but less frequently 9 toothed lobes. Culture: Most Japanese maples prefer part shade, but many thrive in full sun. Growth Rate: Fairly slow, about a foot per year. Dwarf varieties grow no more than 3 or 4 feet high. General plant form is rounded to broad-rounded, often with low branching. Height & Spread: Up to 30 feet tall and may be wider than tall. Acer palmatum, commonly called Japanese Maple, is a deciduous shrub or small tree that typically grows to 10-25' (infrequently to 40') tall.